Welcome to African Federation of Hospital Associations (AFHA)

Welcome to African Federation of Hospital Associations (AFHA)

Welcome to African Federation of Hospital Associations (AFHA)

We are pleased to present AFHA 2009-2014 Strategic Plan. The plan incorporates a continuous five 5yr set of strategic objectives that constitutes the majority of AFHA’s overall program activities and efforts.


The African Federation of Hospital Associations (AFHA) is an international not-for-profit organization established in 2007.AFHA represents national public and private hospital associations, national hospital directorates, and regional hospital organizations in African countries.

AFHA has the mission of promoting improvements in health throughout African countries, foster high standards of hospital care, efficiency and networking of African hospital associations. AFHA will provide members a range of services and activities designed to assist in the strategic development of the hospital sector and provide a forum of sharing ideas, concerns and address mutual challenges facing the health sector in Africa. 

African countries will be represented by their respective national hospital associations or, where national hospital associations do not exist, national hospital directorates responsible for the hospital sector in that country will represent them. 

AFHA is similar to other continental and regional hospital federations like the Asian Hospital Federation – www.asianhf.org , European Hospital and Healthcare Federation – www.hope.be , and the American Hospital Federation – www.aha.org.


Support and Promote Improvements in Health throughout Africa, foster high standards of Hospital care policies, Healthcare Management, efficiency and networking of African hospital associations.


Main Objectives of AFHA:

–          To liaise and coordinate activities of Hospital Associations in Africa for attainment of high standards of hospital care.

–          To provide advice on Hospital affairs to health institutions in Africa and worldwide.

–          To form a planning system for the operation of Hospital Services.

–          To encourage links with health professionals and collaborations with international organizations dealing with health affairs.

–          To provide information on Hospital Services, medical care and latest medical technology.

–          To represent African Hospital Associations and organizations to international organizations and meetings.

–          To encourage high standards of Hospital Administration,  and Healthcare Management in Africa.  

–          To foster direct involvement of Hospital Associations n the design and formulation of strategies to fight major global diseases.

–          To provide a forum of sharing ideas, concerns and address mutual challenges facing the Hospital sector

Key Strategic areas of focus are;

  • Support and promote initiatives to form new national hospital associations in Africa and promote interaction between members.
  • Promote healthcare systems reform in Africa.
  • Develop and sustain strategic relationships.
  • Encourage Quality of Care and Patient Safety in African Hospitals.
  • Form a planning system for the operation of Hospital services in Africa.
  • Provide a forum of sharing of ideas and discuss challenges facing the hospital sector in Africa.
  • Promote and sensitize African Health Ministries and the Private Health Sector about the relevance and need for a Hospital Federation in Africa.
  • Organize Conferences, Workshop and Seminars.
  • Develop Programs and Services that benefit members.
  • Build the Institutional Capacity of AFHA.

AFHA requires leadership on these important strategies in order to accomplish our mission of improving hospital services that will allow our members to provide high quality care in African communities.


Adequate funding will be a key factor that will enable AFHA to achieve its goals.

  • Plan and seek funding for programs, events, and services of AFHA.
  • Ensure financial Accountability.

Establish Strategic Relationships

To position AFHA to represent its members effectively and through the most efficient use of resources, it is critical that strategic alliance be established with organizations that share common purposes and agendas.

Organizations with which AFHA should strive to ally with include (but not exhaustive);

  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • International Hospital Federation (IHF)
  • African Union
  • UNDP
  • GAVI
  • Roll Back Malaria
  • Malaria Consortium
  • Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis
  • StopTB Partnership
  • World Bank
  • African Development Bank
  • African Regional Organizations
  • International Committee of the RedCross
  • International Federation of Pharmacists
  • International Federation of Pharmaceutical manufacturers
  • DFID
  • GTZ
  • SNV
  • SIDA
  • EC
  • JICA
  • CIDA
  • Health Systems 2020
  • Health Systems Action Network
  • Global Family Doctors , Wonca Working Party on Rural Practice
  • Network for Elderly care
  • HOPE – European Hospital Federation
  • AHF – Asian Hospital Federation
  • AHA – American Hospital Association
  • American Schools and Hospitals Abroad
  • Gates Foundation
  • AfricaHealth 2010
  • World Health Organization, African Region
  • ICN – International Council of Nurses
  • CDC – Center for Disease Control
  • International Health Policy Network
  • International Medical Association
  • GHWA – Global Health Workforce Alliance WHO
  • International Corporations
  • International NGO’s
  • Universities
  • Doctors Without Borders
  • Major International Pharmaceutical Companies.
  • etc

AFHA must commit to develop strategic partnership with relevant organizations to advance hospital affairs, systems and polices. AFHA will work with all partners who share our goals and will work hard to identify potential partners with common goals.

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